attract an awful lot of attention at the moment 意味

  • 現在大変注目{げんざい たいへん ちゅうもく}を集める



  1. "attract a stream of hungry visitors" 意味
  2. "attract a wide array of participants" 意味
  3. "attract a wide range of people" 意味
  4. "attract a workforce of 2,500 scientists, engineers and technicians" 意味
  5. "attract all the attention" 意味
  6. "attract an ignorant public" 意味
  7. "attract an individual of great talent" 意味
  8. "attract and nurture companies" 意味
  9. "attract assets held by individual japanese investors" 意味
  10. "attract a workforce of 2,500 scientists, engineers and technicians" 意味
  11. "attract all the attention" 意味
  12. "attract an ignorant public" 意味
  13. "attract an individual of great talent" 意味

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